June 13, 20234 Rounds:10 Power Snatches/20 KB Swing/DB Snatch10 Bar-Facing Burpees/Burpee to Target/ Plank 800m Run /1000m Row/1000m Ski 4 Rounds:10 Toes to Bar 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
4 Rounds:10 Power Snatches/20 KB Swing/DB Snatch10 Bar-Facing Burpees/Burpee to Target/ Plank 800m Run /1000m Row/1000m Ski 4 Rounds:10 Toes to Bar 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
December 30, 2024AMRAP 20 1 Wall Walk/Box Pike Walk/Inchworm 8 Devil Press/Sandbag Burpee/Elevated 12 Box Jump/Plate or Broad Jump/Step Up